5 More Oil Field Words / Terminology / Slang

Planning on heading out to the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota seeking work? Like many others you most likely don't have any experience. That's not a problem, but it probably would be helpful to know some terminology and lingo so here's five more terms for you.

Kick An intrusion of pressurized gas into the wellbore that causes drilling fluid to be displaced. It can be the precursor to a blowout.

Vee Door The vee door is an inverted V shape or triangle shaped ramp that leans up against the rig so pipe, tools, and other large bulky objects can be lifted up to the rig floor.

Cellar A dug-out area possibly lined with cement or a very large diameter (6ft) thin-wall pipe located below the rig.  The cellar serves as a cavity in which the casing spool and casing-head reside.

BOP The Blowout Preventer is found underneath the rig.  Its primary purpose is to kill or divert any blowout out of harms way.

Mouse hole An opening in the rig floor near the rotary table, but between the rotary table and the vee-door, that enables rapid connections while drilling. The mouse hole is usually fitted underneath with a length of casing, usually with a bottom. A joint of drill pipe that will be used next in the drilling operation is placed in the mouse hole, box end up, by the rig crew at a convenient time (immediately after the previous connection is made).

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