Can I Attend College In North Dakota While Working An Oil Rig Job?

Working an oil industry job while attending college can be a very good move. Not only will you be making good wages to pay for college but with the housing shortages attending a college is a way to line up housing as well as most school have student housing available.

It will be tough because working on a rig or anywhere in the oil industry is hard work, long hours, and your exhausted after a long day work. That said it's often a week on a week off or a few weeks on and a few weeks off. Depending upon how you schedule your classes it's possible you could juggle both, make good money, get your education and have housing lined up as well.

You should look into Minot State University. I'm not sure they are still offering it but for a while thy were offering in state tuition rates to out of state residents which would save you a ton of money. Some opt to go the tech school route and if that's what you'd like to do I'd recommend you looking into Wahpeton, although it is pretty far from most of the oil jobs.

Best of luck to you!!!

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